Robin Blaser's Divine Real

Paul Nelson

Paul Nelson


“Before I knew Robin Blaser’s work, I knew of Robin Blaser, having found out about him through my early poetry investigations of Michael McClure and Robert Duncan. This was before his beautiful, two-part goodbye note, The Holy Forest and The Fire, collected poems and essays respectively. His notes on the serial poem (Sam Hamill sometimes calls it the sequential poem) are some of the best ever written on that topic from a completely West Coast North American view. That he was active in the Berkeley Renaissance with Duncan and Jack Spicer and also was at the center of another one of the continent’s organic/projective hot spots (Vancouver) is something well worth noting. That he has extended the poetry/Alfred North Whitehead connection beyond what Charles Olson did is telling regarding his “stance toward reality” in Olson’s words or his “world” or “cosmology” in words he’d be more comfortable using, or the “real.””

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