Donald Trump's Politics of Fear

Peter Beinart

The Atlantic


“The Republicans who support Trump—who disproportionately lack college degrees—are largely what Walter Russell Mead calls “Jacksonians.” Jacksonians—whom Mead distinguishes from democracy-spreading “Wilsonians,” commerce-oriented “Hamiltonians,” and empire-fearing “Jeffersonians”—are hawkish isolationists.”

“But when they are convinced America is under attack, Jacksonians become ferocious. Although slow to support America’s entrance into World War II, they overwhelmingly backed America’s decision to end it by dropping atomic bombs on Japan. They’re the kind of people who, during Vietnam, told pollsters that America should either bomb North Vietnam back to the stone age or get the hell out.”

“Jacksonians love leaders who mercilessly squash America’s enemies without getting too entangled overseas.”

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