Not Art and Tech

Olia Lialina

Contemporary Home Computing


“But there are many obstacles on my way. Three years ago I grasped and boiled them down to three: technology, experience and people. Or rather “technology,” “experience” and “people”—I have nothing against any of these concepts unless they are used by hardware and software companies as substitutes for “computer,” “interface” and “users.””

“First of all because in our field you should always go for the new, the next term if you are unsatisfied with the current one,—not backwards, at least not to the nearest past. Nobody wants to be called “user.” The effort to deface this word was enormous and successful.”

“Even when you understand that “people” coming from the tech industry’s mouth is pure hypocrisy, you would prefer to fight for your user rights by calling yourself “digital citizen,” not a user… though there is no digital city, state or constitution.”

““Technology” as a replacement for digital technology or computer technology, who are in turn already substitutes for “programmed system,” is a figure of speech known as synecdoche: in this particular case when the whole is referring for a part.”

“In the end of the day, technology is explicitly used as a new word for computer, not any other technologies, including digital ones, but explicitly digital ones. So the purpose is to avoid saying computer. Indeed technology is not a synecdohe but an euphemism.”

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