Cybergothic Hyperstition

Iris Carver



“Think of Cyberspace as a black mirror. It is where time flips over: collide with it and you travel backwards. AS telecommerce accelerates us into the net, it seems that things of ever deeper antiquity awaken, and begin their return.

So say the Cybergoths.

Cybergothic exists as a web of sinister rumour, haunting a subeterranean soft-labyrinth which its calls the ‘Crypt’. Buried deep within the primal sediment of the infoplex, and shrouded in a crawling fog of digital camouflage, it isn’t easy to find, but there are clues.

Hyperstitions are not representations, neither disinformation nor mythology.

Hype, hyping, hyperpropagation belongs to a strain of time-warp cybernetic fiction that cannot be judged true or false because it makes itself real. Travel through the nether regions of Cyberspace and the Crypt-influence is vivid.


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