JETT’s Unorthodox Design Concepts




“Early on after my move from Toronto to the woods of Quebec, starting in 2013, I set to work sketching and building up the foundation and conceptual scaffolding for a dream project called ‘the future’. I was reading up on science fiction (revisiting Dune, Clarke’s The Deep Sea, Asimov’s Foundation, LeGuin’s Vaster Than Empires…) as well as relevant science and space race history books”

“Common sense suggests that one shouldn’t attempt to go from ‘scope-limited 2D mobile game’ (sworcery) to ‘vast 3D PS5 videogame with unorthodox immersive sim elements and characters emoting and speaking’ (JETT).”

“For me, an inspiration for JETT’s gameplay is how fun 3D motion can be, outside of the context of controlling a person walking around on-foot.”

“In the 90s, when 3D motion was new and novel, there were so many great videogames with unusual approaches to surfing, flying and racing.”

“In those olden times there was a fair bit of originality and exploration in this genre space, and it felt like there was a decent-sized audience playing them. Then, in the 2000s, as that novelty began to wear off, the audiences seemed to diminished and there was perhaps a bit less going on in that genre-space. The racing, skating and snowboarding games that did emerge weren’t taking as many wild swings.”

“I’ve been pretty inspired by many a racing game over the years, notably Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, a game I revere, whose aesthetics and engine cool-down mechanics directly inspired JETT’s scramjet stability system.”

“I love a lot of where we ended up with JETT’s narrative concepts, but I’ll admit that in The Far Shore campaign, our focus on story and character sometimes trips up the mood… which is why I’m so thrilled about the Given Time campaign, which is where JETT’s Metroid Prime-inspired design really shines, as a tried-and-tested Mei arises from torpor and sets out on a free-roaming adventure in a quiet vibes-heavy world, relying on her tools and her wits to figure things out”

“Of course, with Monster Hunter you’re constantly slaying these creatures and harvesting their corpses to build new weapons and armor, and while these are core and satisfying aspects of Monster Hunter’s design, we actually took pains to avoid relying on these mechanics with JETT. Our interest was in zipping around in the vicinity of large, interesting creatures, getting in and out of trouble with them, using our jett skills and tools to defend or outrun or problem solve while we pursue goals not rooted in belligerence”

“In 2001, Fumito Ueda and SCEJ’s Ico was released, and it had a tone all its own, similar only to Eric Chahi’s Another World or Heart of Darkness. In some ways it felt like an indie acoustic cover of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarinia of Time, with a plucky young hero saving a princess from a fairy tale castle, but with all the cute kid stuff pulled out. Playing it felt like looking through a window into a world, with living people running about, people with hearts and souls.”

“It’s fascinating to think of how Hidetaka Miyazaki, then a 29 year old systems admin at Oracle, was inspired by Ico to pursue a career in videogame development. I can feel some of Ueda’s peculiar magic lurking in the corners of Miyazaki’s design sensibility, that inscrutable remoteness and austerity that suffuses Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls and so on to Elden Ring.”

“For Patrick and I, in the early days of JETT, we had the vibe of Fumito Ueda’s games in mind thorughout: that forlorn beauty, those feelings of regret and the emotional heft of things, the awe that comes with sighting a colossus, the intrigue that comes from observing an intricate world with it’s own inscrutable logic.”

“At that time in 2012 it had been seven years since Ueda’s Shadow of the Colossus, and for us young’uns that felt like a lifetime. “Can you imagine working on a game for seven years?” we asked ourselves. “What must that be like?””

“The joke here is that Kris would go on to put well over seven years into Below, and for me with JETT it looks like I’m clocking in at around ten years total. Alas!”

“So yep, when we laid the foundation for JETT’s grand design in ~2014 we had in mind Metroid Prime’s Samus Aran zipping around on a jet ski, inside a Shadow of the Colossus inspired world, scanning things and gathering them, and learning to survive encounters with large, interesting Monster Hunter inspired creatures.”

“However, our feelings on what JETT ought to be continued to evolve as we responded to playtest feedback. As we found our way forward, we found other videogames to refer to, with No Man’s Sky and Firewatch coming up fairly often in 2015 and 2016.”

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