Waste Eater

Kaile Hultner

No Escape


“In “Who Has To Do It?” anarchist writer Lee Shevek asks her audience an important question: what if, in the most ideal anarchist society you can think of – all modes of domination and oppression eliminated – a task arises that absolutely nobody wants to do voluntarily? Would we force someone to do the task anyway? Or would we find a way to remodel society around the conditions that make the task necessary?”

“For Shevek, the question is nearly rhetorical, but still worth posing; her clear answer is, “If no one willingly goes down into the mines, we will create ways of being that don’t require the resources there.””

“For Cain, an anarchist game developer living in Narrm (so-called Melbourne), the question and its ramifications are more… muddy”

“His attempt at answering it, short interactive fiction piece Waste Eater, posits a world in which both things have happened: humanity has evolved to survive around the apocalypse, and some people had to be sacrificed to the effort to make the world less uninhabitable.”

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