Eugene Debs on John Brown

Eugene Debs



“Eugene Debs revered John Brown as “history’s greatest hero,” a man who saw an unspeakable horror and tried to dash it from the world”

“In October 1908, while campaigning for president, Debs decided to make a brief stop at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, the site of Brown’s doomed anti-slavery crusade”

Jacobin’s Shawn Gude was able to obtain a copy of Debs’s speech — courtesy of the wonderful librarians at Indiana State University — while conducting research for his forthcoming biography of Eugene Debs”

“He was the greatest liberator this country has known. He dared the whole world and gave up his life for freedom. What more can a man do?”

“Emerson has said: “The time will come when John Brown will have made the gallows as glorious as Jesus Christ made the cross.” The Socialist Party is carrying on the work begun by John Brown”

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